Somme Picardy
Other boats in Somme Picardy
If you want to find other boats which are, like Penichette 1260R, in the
Somme Picardy region of France, have a look at the
boats in Somme Picardy featured here, and see whether there's anything else which takes your fancy.
Somme and Picardy is a canal laden region in the north of France. Often overlooked as people flock to the south of France, Somme and Picardy makes a good place for a boating holiday. Just over the channel, this region is easily accessible from the UK, and plenty of sights to see while cruising along in your boat.
The above is Penichette 1260R - in the Cappy region of Somme Picardy. We've also listed several other
boats in Cappy;
or for a bigger choice, look at all the boats available in
Somme Picardy.
Hopefully you'll find something to suit your holiday needs!