South of France
Other boats in the South of France
If you want to find other boats which are, like Capestang EC139GC, in the
South of France, have a look at the
boats in South of France featured here, and see whether there's anything else which takes your fancy.
A popular area for a boating holiday, the South of France has sunshine from March to October, and makes for a lovely spot for boating holiday in France. There are wide open spaces, vineyards, beaches; and the good restaurants which France is famous for. For a cultural hour or two, visit the walled the city of Carcassonne and the medieval town of Castelnaudary.
The above is Capestang EC139GC - in the Capestang region of South of France. We've also listed several other
boats in Capestang;
or for a bigger choice, look at all the boats available in
South of France.
Hopefully you'll find something to suit your holiday needs!